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2024-25 (5785) Religious School Registration Form

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Bar/bat Mitzvah Prep
Hebrew Classes (via Zoom)
Combination Religious School/Hebrew Classes


Please note: You must be logged in to a ShulCloud account in order to bill the $100 deposit to your account. If you are not logged in, you will be required to pay $100 per student via credit card upon submission. Please log in before starting the form, as it will not save when you log in. If you do not have login information, you can proceed by paying with a credit card or by contacting Rabbi Azriel for your login information at (513) 931-6038 or 

Welcome to the Northern Hills
Synagogue Religious School

We are excited to offer innovative programs and tracks to meet everyone’s preferences and needs. The NHS school program includes high-quality, exciting, hands-on learning opportunities. Students will experience a curriculum that embraces Jewish traditions, values, and culture while learning Hebrew along the way. They will also participate in art projects, Israeli dance, music, holiday celebrations, family Shabbat services, library time, visits from the Rabbinic team, special events and field trips and more. Enrollment is open to all regardless of membership at NHS.

For more information about the school, please contact our Director of Education,  Idit Moss, at (513) 444-8514 or

No family will be turned away from our school due to financial hardship.  To arrange a payment plan or discuss your family's financial situation, please contact Rabbi Benjamin Azriel, NHS Executive Director, at An 18% discount will be applied after registration for families who are members of NHS.

We offer various classes with flexible schedules that are open to all. 

Kef Katan
Preschool and Kindergarten Students
Sundays, 9:00am-12:00pm at NHS

Kef Katan students will be exposed to the Hebrew language and Jewish traditions by incorporating fun and interactive methods. They will learn Hebrew words, sing songs, play games, dance, make art, and learn various blessings. Our Kef Katan students will also engage in fun and educational lessons with our community Chaverim M’Israel program(Friends from Israel). 

NHS Religious School

1st through 3rd Grade Students
Sundays, 9:00am-12:00pm at NHS

First through third-grade students will be engaged in learning Jewish customs and traditions as well as Hebrew exposure. Our hands-on program will provide them with various approaches to celebrating the holidays, learning about our Jewish values, learning prayers (tefillot), discussing the weekly Torah portion and much more. Students will also have art, music, cooking and dance lessons. They will meet our community Chaverim M’Israel (Friends from Israel) for fun and engaging lessons about Israel.

4th through 7th Grade Students
Sundays, 9:00am-12:00pm at NHS

Fourth through seventh-grade students will continue to build on previous knowledge and improve their Hebrew skills, as well as learning about different Jewish values, practices and traditions. They will also continue to enjoy hands-on experiences with holiday celebrations and prayers, the weekly Torah portion and more. As in the previous grades, students will also have art, music, cooking and dance lessons and meet our community Chaverim M’Israel (Friends from Israel) for fun and engaging lessons about Israel.

For students in this age cohort, we also offer bar/bat Mitzvah preparation at no additional charge, including in the Combination Religious School/Hebrew Classes option below.

Hebrew Classes (via Zoom)
First through Seventh Grade Students

Wednesdays, 4:30pm-5:30pm (Track One) or 5:30pm-6:30pm (Track Two) via Zoom

This class features two tracks that will focus on Hebrew reading.

Track 1:  Students in this track will learn the Hebrew letters and vowels and will practice Hebrew reading and writing. (Takes place from 4:30 to 5:30 pm on Wednesdays via Zoom)
Track 2:  Students in this track will sharpen their reading comprehension by reading stories and discussing meaning, as well as improving their writing skills. (Takes place from 5:30 to 6:30 pm on Wednesdays via Zoom)

Combination Hebrew and Religious School

Grade 1 – Grade 3

Wednesdays (online) and Sundays (in person)
Includes the 1st - 3rd grade in-person Religious School option above, as well as the Wednesday online Hebrew learning course.

Grade 4 – Grade 7

Wednesdays (online) and Sundays (in person)
Includes the 4th-7th grade in-person Religious School option above, as well as the Wednesday online Hebrew learning course.
Includes B’nei Mitzvah preparation at no additional cost.

Section A: Family Contact Information

If there is a secondary contact, all emails and mailings will go to both contacts. In case of urgent need, the primary contact will be notified first

In the event of an emergency, if the primary and/or secondary contact cannot be reached, we will contact this person.
Section B: Student Enrollment Information
Please note that a $100 Per Student deposit is due at the end of the registration process.  This deposit goes toward the total tuition amount. Near the end of this form you may select your payment plan options.
Student 1 Information
If yes, Idit would like to sit down with you and your child’s religious school teacher before the school year begins so that we are able to discuss the best ways to support your child. 
Please describe special needs we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Does your child have any serious allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe only allergies and medications we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Student 2 Information
If yes, Idit would like to sit down with you and your child’s religious school teacher before the school year begins so that we are able to discuss the best ways to support your child. 
Please describe special needs we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Does your child have any serious allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe only allergies and medications we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Student 3 Information
If yes, Idit would like to sit down with you and your child’s religious school teacher before the school year begins so that we are able to discuss the best ways to support your child. 
Please describe special needs we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Does your child have any serious allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe only allergies and medications we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Student 4 Information
If yes, Idit would like to sit down with you and your child’s religious school teacher before the school year begins so that we are able to discuss the best ways to support your child. 
Please describe special needs we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Does your child have any serious allergies or medications we need to know about?
Please describe only allergies and medications we will need to be aware of during Religious School activities.
Section C: Scholarship & Release Forms
NHS believes in providing education for our students regardless of financial ability. If your family is in a position to pay the full cost of tuition, your support is greatly appreciated. If you would like to discuss financial arrangements with Rabbi Azriel, please select yes below. 
Please provide any information possible regarding your request for financial assistance. This will be reviewed by the Rabbi Azriel and our NHS Treasurer. This information is required to receive a scholarship and will remain confidential.

By signing my name below, my child(ren) have permission to participate in the Religious School and/or Hebrew School of Northern Hills Synagogue. I authorize NHS staff to obtain emergency medical care for my child(ren) in the event such care is indicated. I understand that every effort will be made to notify a parent/guardian prior to treatment.

By typing my name, I confirm I have read, understand and agree to the above.

Do you give permission for your student to appear in these publications?

Section E: Payment Information
A $100 discount will be given to an NHS member family that refers a new family, and the new family receives a $100 discount as well (first student only). 
Please enter the name of the family you referred.
Please enter the name of the existing family that referred you.

Please select how you would like to pay for tuition -- A $100 deposit per student will be required at the end of this form

Please note that the $100 deposit per student you pay today goes toward the total tuition amount.  
Please pay your deposit using a credit card on the next payment screen.  If you are unable to pay at this time, or prefer to send NHS a check, you may bill this deposit to your account. 

In order to bill this to your account, you must be LOGGED IN. If you have never logged in or need instructions to get logged in to your account, please contact Rabbi Azriel at or (513) 931 - 6038
Wed, March 12 2025 12 Adar 5785