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Sisterhood Membership 2024-25

Logged in NHS members will have an option to enter their names above. A box will appear upon login. Your information will be automatically populated into the name, email and phone fields below & your registration will be linked to your account. (Will be public does not mean your information will be viewable on the web -- our apologies as the wording is part of the software and cannot be changed.)

SISTERHOOD 2024-2025

WE are SISTERHOOD! Together, WE are STRONG!

A message from the Presidium:
WE are SISTERHOOD! Together, WE are STRONG! In the past few years, we have
made donations for the purchase of streaming equipment as well as donating, along
with the Gift Shop, the entire amount for the purchase of the industrial refrigerators and
freezers for the kitchen. If these actions do not show how strong we are, we do not
know what would. Sisterhood will continue to play an important role in support of our
congregational family.
If you have not been a member in the past, we encourage you to join this wonderful
organization. If you have been a member, please continue your membership and
complete the enclosed form. Sisterhood will continue to have regular program meetings,
the format for which will change this year, interest groups (Book Group, Knitting, and
Drop-In Rummikub), and the third Women’s Seder in April 2025.
We need your support to continue to be a strong group in the Synagogue.
Please complete and return the membership form as soon as you can.

Thank you for your support,

The Presidium– Bobbi Handwerger, Sandy Spitz, Royal Duncan, Paula Nevins, and
Gayna Bassin

The Executive Board-
Judy Knapp, Membership Vice President
Sandy Spitz, Treasurer
Candy Gellen, Financial Secretary
Eileen Metz, Recording Secretary
Royal Duncan, Corresponding Secretary
Edie Neusner, Parliamentarian
Paula Nevins, Chair
Raye Brass, Jeri Fish, Diana Fenichel, Trustees
Karyn Kern-Lazear, Immediate Past President








Let us know how you would like to be involved!


Please check the boxes for all items in which you are interested above.


Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785