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First Friday - Speaker - Joel Haber

Friday, November 3, 2023 19 Cheshvan 5784

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

"Jews have been oppressed throughout history. But every pot has a silver lining. Let’s look at the lighter side of darkness. How have Jews turned challenges into opportunities, and what delicious foods did we draw directly from the crucible of antisemitism?"

Joel Haber, Israeli tour guide specializing in Jewish culinary history, will be joining us during his US tour, all the way from Jerusalem. Joel will give us an update on his experience during the current war in Israel, and then share his lecture entitled: "They Tried to Kill Us, We Won, Let's Eat! Jewish Food Conquers Antisemitism". To find out more about Joel, visit his website

If you'd like to participate in the community potluck at 6:00pm, please visit to let us know what you're bringing!

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